Monday 3 June 2013

We have a Central Square.

Most urban areas have a central open space. A space where everybody ends up at some point in their day, regardless of where they intended to be. These spaces often provide clues to the kind of metropolis in which you find yourself.

Big piazza: big city.

Squeaky-clean civic centre: top-notch street-cleaning service.

Empty market square: ghost town.

Some towns have more than one 'main' square, some less central than others. And some towns give their central open spaces a name – perhaps because town planners attach such great importance to their civic centres, squares, and plazas, or simply because it's convenient.

Llanelli's nominee for such a place is located at the intersection of Vaughan Street and Stepney Street – outside Boots and directly opposite the St Elli shopping centre.

Although not strictly a square or a quadrilateral, it measures roughly 40 x 30 metres (130 x 100 ft) and has become a centrepiece of the ADREF town centre scheme.

It's name?

Central Square.

That's according to at least two press releases from County Council (December 2012 ; April 2013 ).

Ac yn gymraeg..? 'Sgwâr Canolog'?

Anyway, Tin Dragon is pleased to reveal that, as of June 3rd 2013  'Central Square' has now been added to Google Maps.

Until very recently, the Square featured a couple of red bricked flower beds and a raised performance area. These reminders of the town's era of stagnation were removed late 2012 and are currently being replaced by a new central canopy structure which complements the main canopy installation along the retail district.

The central feature comprises a large stainless steel and glass 'umbrella' engraved with public art. Woven around it is a fascinating seating arrangement constructed of dark folded steel strips that currently look quite… dangerous! We'll see how it feels when it's all complete.

Do you have any good memories of the old Square? Maybe you could suggest a better name for it?
And what are your thoughts on this renovation?

Please let me know in the comments below or on Facebook / Twitter / Google+!

I'll meet you at the Square.

Tin. °—°

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