Tuesday 21 May 2013

Llanelli Roots at the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival

Today I made a short visit to the local history exhibition at Llanelli Library.

Representatives from the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival, NIACE Dysgu Cymru, and Llanelli Community Heritage did a fantastic job of hosting the event, sharing a wealth of info on our town's past. The main exhibits included old pictures, historical maps, DVDs, books and a presentation from which everyone was able to learn something.

Events like these are a great way to engage the community in learning activities, and can complement projects of modernisation and regeneration in Llanelli. As Becca, CLF organiser, put it: "in order to move forward, we have to know where we came from."

All in all, the Tin Dragon highly approves of today's exhibition. And although it was a shame that no Town Councillors came along to witness the event's success and to show their support, many more CLF events are scheduled for the week ahead: take a look at the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival website, and leave a comment below to tell me how the events go!

NIACE Dysgu Cymru (National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Wales)

Llanelli Community Heritage

facebook / NIACE Carmarthenshire Learning Festival Group

Twitter @CarmsLFG

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