Tuesday 21 May 2013

Llanelli Roots at the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival

Today I made a short visit to the local history exhibition at Llanelli Library.

Representatives from the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival, NIACE Dysgu Cymru, and Llanelli Community Heritage did a fantastic job of hosting the event, sharing a wealth of info on our town's past. The main exhibits included old pictures, historical maps, DVDs, books and a presentation from which everyone was able to learn something.

Events like these are a great way to engage the community in learning activities, and can complement projects of modernisation and regeneration in Llanelli. As Becca, CLF organiser, put it: "in order to move forward, we have to know where we came from."

All in all, the Tin Dragon highly approves of today's exhibition. And although it was a shame that no Town Councillors came along to witness the event's success and to show their support, many more CLF events are scheduled for the week ahead: take a look at the Carmarthenshire Learning Festival website, and leave a comment below to tell me how the events go!

NIACE Dysgu Cymru (National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Wales)

Llanelli Community Heritage

facebook / NIACE Carmarthenshire Learning Festival Group

Twitter @CarmsLFG

Friday 17 May 2013

'So you think you know Llanelli?'

Local history enthusiasts will unearth the town's bygone days at Llanelli Library this Tuesday.

Exhibitions telling the story of Llanelli – from industrial change & architectural heritage to cultural profusion & historical promenades – will be held in the Atheneum Hall (upstairs, Llanelli Library) from 10am until 2pm.

Free entry and the chance to learn something about your local history – a fantastic opportunity!

For further info, contact Becca: 07703631859

'So you think you know Llanelli?'
Tuesday 21st May, 2013
10am – 2pm
Llanelli Library: Atheneum Hall

This event is part of the 'Carmarthenshire Learning Festival', an initiative supported by the Welsh Government and the European Union Social Fund, which offers free learning events and activities across Wales, engaging more than 20,000 people. For more info:  www.yourfuturechoiceaction.org.uk