Monday 26 December 2016

Gateway Resort 2016 updates

Did 2016 just happen already?

Following suit with previous year-end posts, here's one for 2016.

First, a quick mention for Llanelli - yes, it still exists and that's probably a good thing.

Better the devil you know.

Now, I would like to elaborate on last December's speculative post about the Gateway Resort theme park.

I really would.

Unfortunately, no substantive announcements have come to the fore and so speculation will remain.

As reported before, the holiday park changed its name to 'Gateway Resort' this year.

The layout of the resort remains very much suited for caravan-parking rather than theme-parking, but the full expansion of the site is expected to take at least two years.

One notable development this year has been the installation of a biomass heating system.
This not only reduces the region's dependence on fossil fuels but is also expected to save the resort £18k running costs every year.

More updates to follow.


Who knows?

Have a great 2017.